Top tips for when you’re working from home
As a virtual assistant, I can work from virtually anywhere in the world – providing I have a reliable internet connection. The flexibility that this affords is fantastic and one of the definite
perks of my line of work.
In fact, I am actually writing this post from Canada where I am currently enjoying some much needed time out with my family. But, just because I am almost 4,000 miles from London, doesn’t mean I can’t continue to service my clients albeit at a slightly reduced schedule, but nevertheless I am still contactable.
Our holiday is focussed on the areas of Calgary, British Columbia and Toronto. Trips to the Rockies, Banff National Park and other places of interest are on our itinerary. Basically, a little bit of relaxation with tons of day trips and visits to places of interest.
So, as I am currently working remotely, and there’s a good chance that more people are going to start working from home going forward, I thought a post outlining my top tips for working from home would be suitably apt.
Follow a morning routine
Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean you shouldn’t follow a morning routine. You wouldn’t head to the office without brushing your teeth, showering, getting dressed or eating breakfast etc. so don’t neglect these things when you’re working from home.
After all, you’ll inevitably have to do them all at some point throughout the day and so better to get them out the way at the start. Not only will this put you in the right frame of mind for optimum productivity but it’ll also mean you’re not taking time out later in the day.
Have a set schedule
Much like keeping a morning routine, having a set schedule is also very important. Often, people who work from home find themselves in a situation where they’re online extremely early and sign off very late.
This isn’t a good habit to get into, which is why you need a set schedule e.g. 9-5, even if you are working from home. The line between work and personal time can become blurred and it’s up to you not to let this happen. Of course, you can logon for the odd conference call or to deal with an important email but don’t let it become the norm.
Furthermore, it’s important to have regular breaks when you’re working from home – just like you would in the office. Give yourself a set lunch break and don’t look at your laptop again until it’s over – unless you use the time to conduct your personal internet browsing.
Create a dedicated workspace
It can be extremely tempting to work sat on your sofa with your laptop in front of you. But this is a setup that will ultimately lend itself to reduced productivity. This is because you need to be in the right frame of mind to be productive and if you’re lounging on your sofa with the TV on in the background, you are not going to be as productive as you would be sat at a desk
You don’t need to spend a small fortune creating a bespoke office but a dedicated work surface, like a desk, is a must. Try to create a small space that allows you to be as productive as you would be in an office environment.
Eliminate distractions
When you’re working from home it can be all too easy to be distracted by all manner of things. For example, you may have a pile of washing up that needs doing and it can be very tempting to take time out from your work to do it.
The trouble with this is that you’ll find yourself crossing off lots of small tasks from your household chores list, all of which are distracting you from your work.
Likewise, your favourite social media sites can also be big distractions when you’re working from home. You wouldn’t have your Facebook page or Twitter feed open in the background when you’re in the office (I guess?) so don’t do it when you’re at home. Use your dedicated breaks to catch up on your social media accounts and then close them before starting work again.
Image courtesy of BrianHolm /